Change for the Better Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Coaching face-to-face in Daventry, Northampton, or UK-wide online.

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What Clients Are Saying Following NLP, Clinical EFT and Hypnotherapy

Concern: Emotional trauma
Working with Virginia has been an enlightening experience. I hadn’t realised just how much my thoughts were controlling my life, and holding me back. Even from the first session I was able to see almost instant results! I feel totally moved on and I couldn’t be happier. Not only that my loved ones have noticed a change in me too and that has to be the most rewarding endorsement of the time, effort and energy I have put into the exercises provided. Going forward I feel the skills I have learnt are going to set me up for life. Change for the Better is highly recommended.

Concern: Alcohol and drug dependence
I was stuck in what felt like a never ending cycle of addiction which felt out of my control until I came across the Change For The Better website and reached out to take back control of my life. I'm now over 3 months free from drink and the drug. I really appreciate you helping me and guiding me out of that dark place.

Concern:Anxiety & unable to manage pressure
Thank you again for the help you have given me. It's made a huge difference to me at a very challenging time and I want you to know I really appreciate it.

Concern: Anxiety and phobia
Being completely honest, I was cynical and hesitant to give the tools and techniques Virginia taught me about a go. I figured 'okay, let's try them daily, what's the worst that could happen?' I am so glad I did. These tools have now become part of my daily life. Not only have I squashed the original fear I had, but I have no doubt they have contributed to a longer lasting improvement of my mental health overall. I wish this was taught in school.

Concern: Emotionally "stuck" & weight problem
(I have experienced) a complete change in the last month or so. I feel so much calmer and am moving forwards as I wanted; I'm now "unstuck".

Concern: mental health deterioration:
Thank you for all your help and wisdom; I have learned a lot from you! Your methods are so much more helpful than a conventional counsellor.

Concern: gambling addiction:
Virginia really helped me, I've been struggling with gambling addiction for many years and since meeting Virginia all gambling urges have gone and I feel I will never go back to how I was before.

Concern: smoking:
I haven't smoked at all since my last session. I am now a non-smoker!

Concern: overweight for 20 years:
I have lost 4 stone in weight since I saw you. You obviously worked your magic. Something clicked after my visit. So thank you.

Concern: preparation for and recovery from surgery:
The tapping (E.F.T.) has been invaluable. I have been tapping at least once a day both prior to surgery and throughout my recovery.

Concern: stress and anxiety:
Virginia introduced me to Emotional Freedom Technique and after a couple of enjoyable sessions with her via zoom, I began to feel my anxiety and stress lifting plus I had an ability to manage my emotional concerns more effectively. Now I am able to live life to the full once again. If I am troubled by emotional concerns in the future I know I can utilise the technique which Virginia taught me.

Concern: low self-confidence and self-esteem; unhappiness:
THANK YOU. For the first time in a very long time I can honestly say I am very happy, more confident, has all been down to the sessions I had with you. I carried a huge heaviness that I could not shake off, that has been replaced by feeling so positive and energetic. I only wish that I had seen you years ago!

Concern: two childhood phobias:
Our sons' therapy has been a huge success. We are over the moon. Thank you so much for everything.

Concern: anxiety and low self-confidence:
I really wanted to thank you again for all your help and support. You've taught me some amazing skills and I can't thank you enough.

Concern: anxiety; low self-confidence and self-esteem; insecurity:
I just wanted to say thank you. Between us we have made great progress in helping me feel I am 'me' again. I feel stronger and more confident and will definitely keep practising the techniques you have shown me. I loved the work we did on core values and feel it was a good way to finalise our work together.

Concern: work-related phobia:
"Our session was incredibly helpful....the crippling fear has definitely subsided. I found my confidence (at work) was much higher. Thank you so much for your help."

Concern: school-related anxiety:
"My son remains remarkably calm throughout his GCSEs. Thank you."

Concern: debilitating emotions:
"I came to you feeling run down, I left feeling 2 feet taller, like all the baggage I'd been carrying around with me had been lifted."

Concern: being depressed:
"Your help was invaluable in coming out of depression."

Concern: phobia and allergy:
"A big thank you. This is transformational; so many areas of my life are transformed."

Concern: personal change & business-related change:
"I have used Virginia's coaching and counselling services on a number of occasions, both personally and professionally. I can highly recommend her - she is an expert in her field and she helps me get quick results. Whatever the 'issue' Virginia will have the tools in her repertoire to help most people achieve the changes/goals they desire."

Concern: Tunnel phobia.
"I take my hat off to your professional expertise. I have been joking that I love tunnels so much, I might live in one".

Concern: Sugar craving.
"My previous sugar issue just isn't there anymore."

Concern: Anxiety and panic.
"I visited Virginia at a time in my life when I was feeling fearful and anxious and unable to move on. I did not have to go back in the past and go through any soul searching or painful digging into events as I have done on previous occasions when seeing a counsellor. Virginia works in a completely different way. The techniques which she used to help me were fun to do and enjoyable and she gave me a technique I can do at home if I need to. A few months after my sessions I realise that the anxiety and panic have simply dissipated and this has allowed me to move on in my life. I only wish I had found out about Virginia years ago. I am incredibly grateful and recommend anyone who needs help to get through a difficult patch, to get in touch with her".

Concern: Extreme anxiety approaching driving test
"I wasn't nervous at all and all my anxiety had gone."

Concern: Sleep problem.
"I was very relaxed last night. I'm not used to being relaxed! There's none of the fraught, on-edge thoughts or feelings. I feel more positive in myself".

Concern: Sleep disturbance.
"I tried the technique you taught me and it worked a treat. Within 15 minutes I was asleep."

Concern: Cake craving and weight gain:
"I can now eat just one piece of cake and no longer feel the need to eat loads more."

Concern: M.E./C.F.S. :
"Now I feel I will definitely get better."

Concern: Fear of forthcoming dental surgery.
"I feel quite happy. It is all levelled out. It's very relaxing, actually. I feel able to just get on with it."

Concern: M.E. and fear of being ill forever.
"Despite having spent time researching and implementing the appropriate diet and supplements I still found myself short of energy and experiencing ongoing body niggles.I came to realise that because I had been ill for so long and despite all my interventions (many of which had been extremely successful) my brain was going to keep coming up with physical aches and pains. Virginia's compassionate and skilful intervention enabled me to understand the reasons I had got to this uncomfortable place and moreover, gave me the psychological tools necessary to work through my blocks. Since working with Virginia, I have gone from strength to strength and am really loving my life. The fear of illness has disappeared because Virginia has given me the confidence to heal myself".

Concern: Sadness.
"I do see things differently now."

Concern: Anxiety and Burn-out.
"It's all so very helpful. I'm so grateful."

Concern: Writer's block.
"That was so easy!"

Concern: Personality problems at work.
"I saw Virginia in 2015. I found her expertise on NLP and hypnotherapy and her empathy for my condition to be very impressive; she was patient, thorough and clearly extremely passionate about what she does and trying to help people. I would strongly recommend her."

"We are formed and moulded by our thoughts." Buddha

"You only live once but if you do it right, once is enough." Mae West

Find out more about what a typical session involves, or alternatively you can find more information about me here.



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