Change for the Better Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Coaching face-to-face in Daventry, Northampton, or UK-wide online.


Typical Session & Fees. London-Eye-he

What the Consultations Involve & Fees

An initial 20 minute assessment is offered, usually by phone. This also enables you to assess whether you would be comfortable working with me and to ask questions about hypnotherapy, NLP, Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques or other tools we might use.

  • Each full consultation is 60 minutes or 80 minutes. I recommend a first session of 80 minutes and subsequent consultations of 60 minutes .
  • How many consultations are required does vary but it is often not a
    long-term process. The desired outcomes may be achieved in a relatively
    small number of consultations depending upon the concern we are working
  • For clients with M.E./C.F.S, I recommend allowing for 6 consultations in the first instance. These too will be reinforced by contact inbetween sessions.
  • For clients seeking help due to a phobia I recommend a single session initially with the possibility of a second.
  • Online consultations may be offered at weekends or evenings.
  • A typical first consultation involves establishing the outcomes you want before choosing the therapeutic or coaching methods which are most appropriate for you. We can then begin working with any appropriate combination of hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) and energy psychology (EFT). Sometimes a person comes specifically wanting to work with a hypnotherapist or EFT practitioner; if any techniques are requested, we shall work with that preference.
  • For couples seeking help, I ask each person to arrange an individual consultation in order to understand the therapeutic needs and aims of each partner. If appropriate, we shall arrange subsequent joint consultations.

    I recognise that it takes courage to seek therapy or coaching and so my aim for the first and all subsequent consultations is to help you feel comfortable and secure.

    It is likely that during the consultation we shall agree some "homework" for you. This will usually be in the form of practising a technique from EFT or NLP which we have used together. The purpose of this is two-fold: having a technique or method which you may use for yourself is empowering. Secondly, any subsequent time we have together can be used more efficiently, keeping the whole therapeutic process as brief as possible.
    You can read more about me here.

    "We can't change what happened to us but we can change the way we respond to it." Dr Richard Bandler



Single consultation: £95 per 60 minute consultation or £125 for 80 minutes. Each includes email support for agreed 'homework'.

If joint consultations are appropiate for a couple: £180 for 80 minutes.

Referrals by organisations: £130 per 60 minute consultation or £165 for 80 minutes. Each includes email support for agreed 'homework'.

PAYMENT IS REQUIRED UPON BOOKING. THE CONSULTATION IS CONFIRMED AFTER PAYMENT. Payment may be made by Paypal (with a service charge of £3.50), BACS or cash. We have a 48 hour cancellation policy: payment made is retained if cancellation is less than 48 hours from appointment time.

"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are. "
Chinese proverb




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